This is a writing exercise that my sibling got for their college prep class. So I’m thinking of following along and putting some of these quick exercises in this space.
This one will involve you thinking about 3–5 objects that you possess that have special meaning for you. We will call these “Essence Objects.” After you have found your essence objects, I want you to write about what these objects represent about you. The point of this journal is to get you to think about writing about yourself for your College Admission Essays. Each explanation should be about a paragraph long (4–8 sentences). I am not as interested in the objects as I am about what they tell me about you/ your personality
Growing up, I was always visually fascinated and I would jump between drawing, creating, and thinking about how photos, films, and different scenes were captured. It was my way of claiming the world and making it part of my own memories and possessions. I grew up without a lot but I made sure I didn’t lose out on what the other kids had through my creativity and imagination. When I got my first camera phone, I was ecstatic because it meant I could start saving those moments I thought I could only experience once. Taking it a step further, I started getting more and more into photography and by the time graduation rolled around, I decided to pick up my first DSLR. It was an older model with a few quirks, but it was mine. I brought it around the world with me and I used it to document my memories and experiences to share with my closest friends and families.
Maybe not the most traditional of objects, but I have two knives that I consider important possessions, for different reasons and functions. My chef’s knife and my pocket knives both obviously fall into useful objects, but they also have a representative meaning in my life. I picked up my chef’s knife in Osaka, Japan, during one of my first trip abroad as an adult. It was with friends and I wanted to bring back something that would be functional and celebrate my independence and love for cooking. So the obvious choice was a handcrafted cooking knife. The craftsmanship was beautiful, and the blade was stunningly sharp. I still use it to this day.
My pocket knife, on the other hand, represents utility and function. It means I can protect myself if needed, and I can create and fix things when required. People might see a pocket knife as dangerous and asking for trouble, but I see as it as being prepared, not for violence or confrontations, but as an incredibly useful and reliable tool. Being able to cut, pry, or even clean something with a solid knife means you never need to depend on someone having the right tool. I can recall hundreds of situations where a knife made a difference, most of them from a tools and utility perspective.
I mentioned that I used to draw a lot. I haven’t done as much drawing now as I did when I was younger, but I’m still passionate and love the flow of ink onto paper. I do draw occasionally, and it’s probably something I should do more often. Nowadays, I spent a lot of my time reading and writing more than I do drawing and creating. I do want to make it a priority to draw more in my life, so perhaps I will share more of my brand of art in the future. The pen has always represented a way of communication for me. I wasn’t that talkative when I was younger; I remembered communicating with some of my classes via notebook for a while before the age of cellphones and Instant Messages. It was something I thought I would never stop doing. But lo and behold, age happened and I found myself also straying from the habit…
Seeds. Another object that might be a little nontraditional. I remember when I was in 1st grade (or was it 2nd?) science class. We were given seeds and a small pot to raise them. My plant had grown and grown into an amazing ……bean plant. I had so much pride and joy from that small experience, it inspired me to go into the life sciences. I was a huge advocate for understand life and what makes it flourish. And I still am. I pretty recently started collecting seeds and plants for my garden. This year, I have a nice variety of tomato and peppers as well as carrots, zucchinis and eggplants growing in the yard. The tomato plants I intend to save as well as some of the pepper. I hope I can continue growing and creating life to share with the world.
Fire Staff
This is an unique side hobby I picked up while I was abroad. On the hot and humid island of Taiwan, I learned to fire dance. I learned the basics of flow and movement from a group of friends who I still stay in touch with today. I was inspired by the energy and freedom they had as performers. I was originally just a club photographer and I wanted to capture some pretty photos for the club, but as I became closer friends with the group, they egged me on and encouraged me to try the sport out. I did. And I’m glad I did. It’s part of who I am now, and I love it! I bought a new staff recently, and I’m trying to get back into practicing and learning how to do the things I couldn’t do it during my time there. Hopefully I will improve and revisit my friends with a performance. :)